Sebastián Moreno BarrenecheUniversidad ORT UruguaySebastián Moreno Barreneche is Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences of Universidad ORT Uruguay (Montevideo, Uruguay), where he teaches the course ‘Contemporary culture and society’ in the Degree in International Studies. He holds a Degree in Philosophy (University of the Republic, Uruguay), a Degree in Communications (Catholic University, Uruguay) and a Degree in Literature (University of the Republic, Uruguay). He completed a Master of Arts in Global Studies (University of Graz, Austria) and a Master of Arts in Political, Legal and Economic Philosophy (University of Bern, Switzerland). In 2022, he obtained his doctoral degree in Social Sciences from the University of Munich, Germany. His research focuses on semiotic, discursive and cultural phenomena in contexts such as the political domain, digital media, issues related to cultural and national identity, and other contemporary phenomena that have meaning, sense and signification as their key drivers. He is an active researcher of Uruguay’s National Researchers System (SNI) and a delegate of Uruguay in the Executive Committee of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS).