Linsey McGoeyUniversity of EssexLinsey McGoey is Reader in Sociology at the University of Essex. She has published widely on diverse research interests, from the political economy ofignorance to the rise of philanthrocapitalism. She’s currently working on two main research projects. The first explores the relationship between global philanthropy and growing economic inequality, with a focus on new, hybrid forms of philanthropy that direct charitable resources to for-profit recipients. The second is a project on abundance and scarcity in economic and social thought. McGoey is co-editor of the International Routledge Handbook of Ignorance Studies, and the author of No Such Thing as a Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy (Verso, 2015) and The Unknowers (Zed, 2018). She is on the editorial board of Economy and Society. She contributes frequently to publications geared at a general audience, including recent articles in the Guardian; Fortune; Jacobin, and the Times.