Discourse Thoery and the Turn to PracticeSpecial issue of the Journal of Language and PoliticsEdited by DESIRE-members Benjamin De Cleen, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Jana Goyvaerts, Maximilian Grönegräs and Yannis Stavrakakis
You can find more information here. |
Selected collaborative Desire publications
- ANASTASIOU, Michaelangelo, & CUSTODI, Jacopo (2024). The populism-nationalism nexus. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- BOSSEN, Ronja, & BADRAN, Yazan (2024). Mothers, terrorists, or victims? The framing of Dutch and Belgian women in the Syrian camps and the question of repatriation in news media. In Journalism.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, & DOUDAKI, Vaia (2024). When the Margins Enter the Centre: The Documentary Along the Borders of Turkey and Its YouTube Comments as Conflicting Constructions of Europeanity. In K. Loftsdóttir, B. Hipfl, & S. Ponzanesi (Eds.), Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe. Routledge.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, & DOUDAKI, Vaia (2024). "If you don't nurture the nature inside of you, you will eventualy die": A discourse-theoretical analysis of the discursive assemblage of ecocentrism and its ethics in the Swedish television series Jordskott. Mediální studia, 18(1), 6-26.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana, BROWN, Katy, MONDON, Aurelien, GLYNOS, Jason, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). The populist hype. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana, HENDRICKX, Jonathan, VIS, Sarah, PICONE, Ike, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Media (De)concentration and Editorial Cross-Media Self-Promotion: Evidence from Flanders. Journalism Practice, 1-16.
- KIOUPKIOLIS, Alexandros (2024). Populism and the commons. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- LAMBRECHTS, Gijs, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Farmers as symbol of 'the people': Nationalism and populism in Vlaams Belang's discourse about farmers. Journal of Language and Politics, 1-24.
- PAPASTATHIS, Konstantinos (2024). Populism and religion. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- SHROUFI, Omran, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Far-right intellectual discourse about populism: the case of the German Institut für Staatspolitik. Journal of Political Ideologies 29(2), 330-351.
- STEINHOFF, Anne, WARREN, Rebecca, CARTER, David, & GLYNOS, Jason (2024). The challenges of coeliac disease at work: A contestation of the politics of inclusion. Sociology of Health & Illness, 1-19.
- VENIZELOS, Giorgos, MARKOU, Grigoris (2024). In opposition and in government. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- WARREN, Rebecca, CARTER, David, GLYNOS, Jason, & VOUTYRAS, Savvas (2024). Articulating the 'How' of Social Return on Investment: Foregrounding the Plural and Pluralizing Character of Its 'Moments of Judgeement'. Finanical Accountability & Management.
- WARREN, Rebecca, STEINHOFF, Anne, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & GLYNOS, Jason (2024). The accountability assembly as a counter-accounting performance. In Vollmer, H. (Ed.), Handbook of Accouting in Society. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & RUIZ CASADO, Juan Alberto (2023). Populism of the Privileged: On the Use of Underdog Identities by Comparatively Privileged Groups. Political Studies.
- GONG, Zuozuo, CHEN, Yiming, XU, Guiquan, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2023). Exploring Digital Media Practice in the Discursive-Material Relationship: An Interview with Professor Nico Carpentier (in Chinese: 在话语-物质关系中探索数字媒介实践—--对话国际媒介与传播研究学会主席尼科·卡彭铁尔教授[J]). Journalism Reviewer (新闻记者), 2023(5), 75-83.
- ZIENKOWSKI, Jan, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2023). Discoursanalyse. In L. d'Haenens, J. Bauwens, & W. Joris (Eds.), Analyse van mediateksten en gemedieerde communicatie-inhouden. Academic and Scientific Publishers.
- FILOMONOV, Kirill, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2022). “How is he entitled to say this?”: Constructing the identities of experts, ordinary people, and presenters in Swedish television series on climate change. Nordicom Review 43(1), 111-128.
- GLYNOS, Jason, & VOUTRYAS, Savvas (2022). Valuation practices and the cooptation charge: Quantification and monetization as political logics. Contemporary Political Theory, 21(4), 588-610.
- GRÖNEGRÄS, Maximilian & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2022). Negotiating the boundaries of the politically sayable: populist radical right talk scandals in the German media. Critical Discourse Studies 20(6), 665-682.
- RONDEROS, Sebastián, & GLYNOS, Jason (2022). Anti-populist fantasies: interrogating Veja's discursive constructions, from Lula to Bolsonaro. Critical Discourse Studies.
- ZICMAN DE BARROS, Thomás, GLYNOS, Jason, & RONDEROS, Sebastián (2022). A Multi-sited Discursive Approach to Brazil’s Fourth Republican Period (1946-1964). POPULISMUS Working Papers No. 12.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & GLYNOS, Jason (2021). Beyond Populism Studies. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 178-195.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GLYNOS, Jason, & MONDON, Aurelien (2021). Populist Politics and the Politics of ‘Populism’: The Radical Right in Western Europe. In P. Ostiguy, F. Panizza, & B. Moffitt (Eds.), Populism in Global Perspective. A Performative and Discursive Approach. Routledge.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & SPEED, Ewen (2021). Getting the Problem Definition Right: The Radical Right, Populism, Nativism and Public Health. Comment on "A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties’ Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe". International Journal of Health Policy and Management 10(8), 523–527.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). Avancées dans l'étude des connections entre le populisme et la nationalisme. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). Advances in the study of the connections between populism and nationalism. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). L’étude du populisme et du nationalisme sous le prisme de la théorie du discours : distinctions et articulations. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- FILOMONOV, Kirill, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2021). “First forced displacements, then slaughter” Discursive regulations of nature by the state and Sami in a Swedish TV documentary. Journal of Language and Politics 21(6), 827-846.
- GLYNOS, Jason, HOWARTH, David, FLITCROFT, Ryan, LOVE, Craig, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & VAZQUEZ, Jimena (2021). Logics, discourse theory and methods: Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 62-78.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana (2021). The Academic Voice in Media Debates on Populism. POPULISMUS Working Papers No. 12.
- LACLAU, Ernesto (2021). Politics as construction of the unthinkable. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 10-21.
- (Translated by Marianne Liisberg, Arthur Borriello, and Benjamin De Cleen)
- OSTIGUY, Pierre, PANIZZA, Francisco, & MOFFITT, Benjamin (Eds.) (2021). Populism in Global Perspective. New York: Routledge.
- (Edited volume on populism, including book chapters by DESIRE members Yannis Stavrakakis, Benjamin De Cleen, Jason Glynos, and Grigoris Markou.)
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2020). Doing justice to the agential material. A reflection on a non-hierarchical repositioning of the discursive material. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 112-128.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GOYVAERTS, Jana, CARPENTIER, Nico, GLYNOS, Jason, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). Moving discourse theory forward. A five-track proposal for future research. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 22-46.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GOYVAERTS, Jana, CARPENTIER, Nico, GLYNOS, Jason, STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, & TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija Tomanić (2020). An introduction to the special issue on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 1-9.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). How should we analyze the connections between populism and nationalism: A response to Rogers Brubaker. Nations and nationalism 26(2), 314-322.
- GLYNOS, Jason, HOWARTH, David, FLITCROFT, Ryan, LOVE, Craig, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & VAZQUEZ, Jimena (2020). Logics, discourse theory and methods. Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 62-78.
- GLYNOS, Jason (2020). Critical fantasy studies. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 95-111.
- KATSAMBEKIS, Giorgos, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (Eds.) (2020). Populism and the Pandemic. A Collaborative Report. POPULISMUS Interventions, No. 7.
- (Collaborative report co-written by several DESIRE members, aiming at providing a global comparative mapping of populist politics in the context of the ongoing pandemic.)
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). The (discursive) limits of (left) populism. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 162-177.
- TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija Tomanić, & VEZOVNIK, Andreja (2020). "Symbolic photographs" as floating and empty signifiers. Iconic transformation of news photography. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 145-161.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, MOFFITT, Benjamin, PANAYOTU, Panos, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2019). The Potentials and Difficulties of Transnational Populism: The Case of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). Political Studies, 68(1), 146-166.
- MURRU, Maria, COLOMBO, Fausto, PEJA, Laura, TOSONI, Simone, KILBORN, Richard, KUNELIUS, Risto, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, Pille, KRAMP, Leif, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2019). Communication as the intersection of the old and the new: The intellectual work of the 2018 European media and communication doctoral summer school. edition lumière Bremen.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, & KATSAMBEKIS, Giorgos (2019). The populism/anti-populism frontier and its mediation in crisis-ridden Greece: from discursive divide to emerging cleavage?. European Political Science, 18(1), 37-52.
- VAN BRUSSEL, Leen, DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2019). Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected Works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Intellect Ltd..
- BERGER, Mathieu, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2018). Interpellated citizens. Signalled subject positions in a citizen deliberation process on health care reimbursement. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1), 91-103.
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2018) Deconstructing Nationalist Assemblages: A Visual Essay on the Greek Cypriot Memorials Related to Two Violent Conflicts in 20th Century Cyprus. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, DOUDAKI, Vaia, CHRISTIDIS, Yiannis, & KOKSAL, Fatma Nazil (2018) De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism through an Academic Intervention. The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2018). Populismo y nacionalismo: representando al pueblo como “los de abajo” y como nación. Anales De La CáTedra Francisco SuáRez, 53, 97-130.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GLYNOS, Jason, & MONDON, Aurelien (2018). Critical Research on Populism: Nine Rules of Engagement. Organization, 25(5), 1-13.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.) (2018). Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency [Special issue]. Communicazione Sociali - Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Based on the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- EDENIUS, Mats, & THORÉN, Claes (2018). Digital Disconnect and Assemblages of Power: Exploring Technology Non-use in the Age of the Post-digital. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2017). Distinctions and Articulations. A Discourse-Theoretical Framework for the Study of Populism and Nationalism. Javnost – The Public, 24(7), 1-19.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (Eds.). (2017). Populism, Nationalism and the Media: Constructing and Representing ‘The People’ as Underdog and as Nation [Special issue]. Javnost – The Public, 24(4).
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, NIEMINEN, Hannu, CARPENTIER, Nico, & TRAPPEL, Josef (Eds.) (2017). Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change. Routledge.
- (Chapters originally published as two issues of Javnost - The Public, partly based on the EURICOM colloquium 2014, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- GLYNOS, Jason, & VOUTRYAS, Savvas (2016). Ideology as blocked mourning: Greek national identity in times of economic crisis and austerity. Journal of Political Ideologies 21(3), 201-224.
- KRAMP, Leif, CARPENTIER, Nico, HEPP, Andreas, KILBORN, Richard, KUNELIUS, Riston NIEMINEN, Hannu, OLSSON, Tobias, PRUULMANN-VENERFELDT, Pille, TOMANIC-TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, & TOSONI, Simone (Eds.) (2016). Politics, Civil Society and Participation. Media and Communications in a Transforming Environment. edition lumière Bremen.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.). (2016). Anchoring the Critical in Media Research [Special issue]. Javnost - The Public 23(1).
- ULDAM, Julia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.). (2015). Publics, Discursive Struggles and Political Agency [Special issue]. Javnost – The Public, 22(1).
Collaborative Desire publications (per year)
- AIOLFI, Theo (2024). Le Pen, Zemmour and the ‘patriotic ecology’ of the French far right: The case of the 2022 presidential elections. Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 1-21.
- ANASTASIOU, Michaelangelo, & CUSTODI, Jacopo (2024). The populism-nationalism nexus. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- BOSSEN, Ronja, & BADRAN, Yazan (2024). Mothers, terrorists, or victims? The framing of Dutch and Belgian women in the Syrian camps and the question of repatriation in news media. Journalism.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, & DOUDAKI, Vaia (2024). When the Margins Enter the Centre: The Documentary Along the Borders of Turkey and Its YouTube Comments as Conflicting Constructions of Europeanity. In K. Loftsdóttir, B. Hipfl, & S. Ponzanesi (Eds.), Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe. Routledge.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, & DOUDAKI, Vaia (2024). "If you don't nurture the nature inside of you, you will eventualy die": A discourse-theoretical analysis of the discursive assemblage of ecocentrism and its ethics in the Swedish television series Jordskott. Mediální studia, 18(1), 6-26.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, & WIMMER, Jeffrey (Eds.). (2024). Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach. Routledge.
- CUSTODI, Jacopo (2024). The Left Can't Cede Patriotism to the Right. Jacobin.
- DE JONG, Belle, KOTIŠOVÁ, Johana (2024). “The goal is to make you weaker”: Mental well-being and risks among European cross-border investigative journalists. Journalism, 1-20.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana, BROWN, Katy, MONDON, Aurelien, GLYNOS, Jason, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). The populist hype. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana, HENDRICKX, Jonathan, VIS, Sarah, PICONE, Ike, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Media (De)concentration and Editorial Cross-Media Self-Promotion: Evidence from Flanders. Journalism Practice, 1-16.
- HURTADO HURTADO, Joshua, & GLYNOS, Jason (2024). Navigating desires beyond growth: the critical role of fantasy in degrowth’s environmental politics and prefigurative ethics. Environmental Politics.
- KIOUPKIOLIS, Alexandros (2024). Populism and the commons. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- LAMBRECHTS, Gijs, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Farmers as symbol of 'the people': Nationalism and populism in Vlaams Belang's discourse about farmers. Journal of Language and Politics, 1-24.
- MISTIAEN, Valériane (2024). What if migrants were only people and relatives? Designations used to name people on the move in the Belgian media. Discourse & Society.
- PAPASTATHIS, Konstantinos (2024). Populism and religion. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- POLYNCZUK-ALENIUS, Kinga (2024). Rethinking news media from the perspective of epistemic democracy: ‘Democratic imagination’ in the coverage of minoritised activism in Polish liberal media. Media, Culture & Society, 1-18.
- PRODNIK, Jernej Amon (2024). Towards a Critique of Mediatisation. tripleC, 22(1), 476-497.
- RIVERA PICHARDO, Eduardo J., CUSTODI, Jacopo, & JOST, John T. (2024). Political and Psychological Processes Contributing to European Populisms of the Left and Right. In G. Sensales, Political Psycholog Perspectives on Populism.
- SCHNEIDER, Julius (2024). Demands as the black box of discourse theory: the German integration debate, demanding a ‘leading culture’ and the mainstreaming of the far-right. Critical Discourse Studies.
- SHROUFI, Omran (2024). From ‘Terror State’ to Part of the ‘Jewish-Christian Civilisation’: Exploring Diversity in the German Far Right’s Position Towards Israel. Political Studies.
- SHROUFI, Omran, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2024). Far-right intellectual discourse about populism: the case of the German Institut für Staatspolitik. Journal of Political Ideologies 29(2), 330-351.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2024). Populist Discourse: Recasting Populism Research. Routledge.
- STEINHOFF, Anne, WARREN, Rebecca, CARTER, David, & GLYNOS, Jason (2024). The challenges of coeliac disease at work: A contestation of the politics of inclusion. Sociology of Health & Illness, 1-19.
- TOFALVY, Tamas, & VOBIČ (Eds.). (2024). Histories of Digital Journalism: The Interplay of Technology, Society, and Culture. Routledge.
- VENIZELOS, Giorgos, MARKOU, Grigoris (2024). In opposition and in government. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- VENTURA, Francesco, CUSTODI, Jacopo (2024). Nationality Beyond the Nation-State? The Search for Autonomy in Abdullah Öcalan and Otto Bauer. Geopolitics, (29)9, 1400-1421.
- VOUTYRAS, Savvas (2024). Anti-populism, meritrocracy and (technocratic) elitism. In Y. Stavrakakis, & G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- WARREN, Rebecca, CARTER, David, GLYNOS, Jason, & VOUTYRAS, Savvas (2024). Articulating the 'How' of Social Return on Investment: Foregrounding the Plural and Pluralizing Character of Its 'Moments of Judgeement'. Finanical Accountability & Management.
- WARREN, Rebecca, STEINHOFF, Anne, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & GLYNOS, Jason (2024). The accountability assembly as a counter-accounting performance. In Vollmer, H. (Ed.), Handbook of Accouting in Society. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- ZIENKOWSKI, Jan (2024). Poststructuralist discourse theory. Handbook of Pragmatics Online, (27), 185-212.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, HROCH, Miloš, CANNIZZARO, Sara, MICONI, Andrea, & DOUDAKI, Vaia (2023). Bridging theDiscursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation: A Participatory Semantic Map Approach. Observatorio 17(1), 100-132.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & RUIZ CASADO, Juan Alberto (2023). Populism of the Privileged: On the Use of Underdog Identities by Comparatively Privileged Groups. Political Studies.
- FARIS, Jiyan, MAESEELE, P., BADRAN, Yazan, SMETS, Kevin (2023). Media Capture and Journalism as Emotional Labor: How Do Media Professionals Manage Bureaucratic Violence in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq? Journalism Studies 7(24), 876-895.
- GLYNOS, Jason, RUOSSOS, Konstantinos, VOUTYRAS, Savvas, & WARREN, Rebecca (2023). Paradoxes in the Management of Timebanks in the UK's Voluntary Sector: Discursive Bricolage and its Limits. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofi Organizations 34, 486-496.
- GONG, Zuozuo, CHEN, Yiming, XU, Guiquan, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2023). Exploring Digital Media Practice in the Discursive-Material Relationship: An Interview with Professor Nico Carpentier (in Chinese: 在话语-物质关系中探索数字媒介实践——对话国际媒介与传播研究学会主席尼科·卡彭铁尔教授[J]). Journalism Reviewer (新闻记者), 2023(5), 75-83.
- GRIGGS, Steven, & HOWARTH, David (2023). Contesting Aviation Expansion. Depoliticisation, Technolgies of Government and Post-Aviation Futures. Policy Press.
- MISTIAEN, Valériane, CALABRESE, Laura, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2023). The Belgian Media Discourse on Refugees, Migrants and Migration. In A. Fábián (Ed.), The Representation of REFUGEES and MIGRANTS in European National Media Discourses from 2015 to 2017 . A Contrastive Approach (Corpus Linguistics). J. B. Metzler.
- ROJAS-ANDRÉS, Raúl, MAZZOLINI, Samuele, & CUSTODI, Jacopo (2023). Does left populism short-circuit itself? Podemos in the labyrinths of cultural elitism and radical leftism. Journal of Contemporary European Studies.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2023). Acting and spatial framing: Towards a political topology of the terrestial. In K. Tsoukala (Ed.), Social Practices and City Spaces. Towards a Cooperative and Inclusice Inhabitated Space. Routledge.
- VOBIČ, Igor (2023). "It's Not as Neat Television Like Before The Epidemic": Analysing the Visuality of Telivision Journalism During the Covid-19 Crisis. Journalism Practice.
- ZIENKOWSKI, Jan, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2023). Discoursanalyse. In L. d'Haenens, J. Bauwens, W. Joris (Eds.), Analyse van mediateksten en gemedieerde communicatie-inhouden. Academic and Scientific Publishers.
- AVRAAMIDOU, Maria, & IOANNOU, Maria (2022). Migrants as ‘pawns’: Antimigrant debates on Twitter and their affinity to European border politics and discourses. European Journal of Cultural Studies.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2022). Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism. Central European Journal of Communication 15(1), 52-71.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, CARPENTIER, Nico, & GŁOWACKI, Michał (2022). Mediating Change, Changing Media: Dimensions and Perspectives. Central European Journal of Communication 15(1), 1-14.
- FILOMONOV, Kirill, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2022). “How is he entitled to say this?”: Constructing the identities of experts, ordinary people, and presenters in Swedish television series on climate change. Nordicom Review 43(1), 111-128.
- GLYNOS, Jason, & VOUTRYAS, Savvas (2022). Valuation practices and the cooptation charge: Quantification and monetization as political logics. Contemporary Political Theory 21(4), 588-610.
- GLYNOS, Jason, VOUTRYAS, Savvas, & WARREN, Rebecca (2022). Paradoxes in the Management of Timebanks in the UK’s Voluntary Sector: Discursive Bricolage and its Limits. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
- GRÖNEGRÄS, Maximilian & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2022). Negotiating the boundaries of the politically sayable: populist radical right talk scandals in the German media. Critical Discourse Studies 20(6), 665-682.
- RONDEROS, Sebastián, & GLYNOS, Jason (2022). Anti-populist fantasies: interrogating Veja's discursive constructions, from Lula to Bolsonaro. Critical Discourse Studies.
- ZICMAN DE BARROS, Thomás, GLYNOS, Jason, & RONDEROS, Sebastián (2022). A Multi-sited Discursive Approach to Brazil’s Fourth Republican Period (1946-1964). POPULISMUS Working Papers No. 12.
- AVRAAMIDOU, Maria, & EFTYCHIOU, Eftychios (2021). Migrant Racialization on Twitter during a border and a pandemic crisis. International Communication Gazette.
- AVRAAMIDOU, Maria, IOANNOU, Maria, & EFTYCHIOU, Eftychios (2021). “Innocent” Hashtags? A Cautionary Tale: #IStandWithGreece as a Network of Intolerance on Twitter During a Land Border Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2849–2869.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & GLYNOS, Jason (2021). Beyond Populism Studies. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 178-195.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GLYNOS, Jason, & MONDON, Aurelien (2021). Populist Politics and the Politics of ‘Populism’: The Radical Right in Western Europe. In P. Ostiguy, F. Panizza, B. Moffitt (Eds.), Populism in Global Perspective. A Performative and Discursive Approach. Routledge.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & SPEED, Ewen (2021). Getting the Problem Definition Right: The Radical Right, Populism, Nativism and Public Health. Comment on "A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties’ Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe". International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10(8), 523–527.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). Avancées dans l'étude des connections entre le populisme et la nationalisme. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). Advances in the study of the connections between populism and nationalism. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). L’étude du populisme et du nationalisme sous le prisme de la théorie du discours : distinctions et articulations. Populisme – La revue 1(1).
- FILOMONOV, Kirill, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2022). Beyond the state as the ‘cold monster’: the importance of Russian alternative media in reconfiguring the hegemonic state discourse. Critical Discourse Studies.
- FILOMONOV, Kirill, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2021). “First forced displacements, then slaughter” Discursive regulations of nature by the state and Sami in a Swedish TV documentary. Journal of Language and Politics 21(6), 827-846.
- GALANOPULUS, Antonis, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2021). Populism, Anti-populism and Post-truth. In M. Oswald (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Populism (pp. 407-420). Palgrave Macmillian.
- GLYNOS, Jason, HOWARTH, David, FLITCROFT, Ryan, LOVE, Craig, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & VAZQUEZ, Jimena (2021). Logics, discourse theory and methods: Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 62-78.
- GOYVAERTS, Jana (2021). The Academic Voice in Media Debates on Populism. POPULISMUS Working Papers, No. 12.
- LACLAU, Ernesto (2021). Politics as construction of the unthinkable. Journal of Language and Politics 20(1), 10-21.
- (Translated by Marianne Liisberg, Arthur Borriello, and Benjamin De Cleen)
- OSTIGUY, Pierre, PANIZZA, Francisco, & MOFFITT, Benjamin (Eds.) (2021). Populism in Global Perspective. New York: Routledge.
- (Edited volume on populism, including book chapters by DESIRE members Yannis Stavrakakis, Benjamin De Cleen, Jason Glynos and Grigoris Markou.)
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2020). Doing justice to the agential material. A reflection on a non-hierarchical repositioning of the discursive material. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 112-128.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GOYVAERTS, Jana, CARPENTIER, Nico, GLYNOS, Jason, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). Moving discourse theory forward. A five-track proposal for future research. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 22-46.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GOYVAERTS, Jana, CARPENTIER, Nico, GLYNOS, Jason, STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, TRIVUNDŽA, & Ilija Tomanić (2020). An introduction to the special issue on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 1-9.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). How should we analyze the connections between populism and nationalism: A response to Rogers Brubaker. Nations and nationalism 26(2), 314-322.
- GLYNOS, Jason, HOWARTH, David, FLITCROFT, Ryan, LOVE, Craig, ROUSSOS, Konstantinos, & VAZQUEZ, Jimena (2020). Logics, discourse theory and methods. Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 62-78.
- GLYNOS, Jason (2020). Critical fantasy studies. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 95-111.
- KATSAMBEKIS, Giorgos, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (Eds.) (2020). Populism and the Pandemic. A Collaborative Report. POPULISMUS Interventions, No. 7.
- (Collaborative report co-written by several DESIRE members, aiming at providing a global comparative mapping of populist politics in the context of the ongoing pandemic.)
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2020). The (discursive) limits of (left) populism. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 162-177.
- TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija Tomanić, & VEZOVNIK, Andreja (2020). "Symbolic photographs" as floating and empty signifiers. Iconic transformation of news photography. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 145-161.
- XU, Guiquan & CHEN, Yiming (2020). Media Discourse Analysis in the View of Post-Marxism: Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory and Its Application to Communication Studies (published in Chinese), Journalism & Communication
- ZIENKOWSKI, Jan, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2020). The polyphonic critique of trade unions: unpacking the logics of union critical discourse. Critical Discourse Studies, 18(5), 519-537.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, MOFFITT, Benjamin, PANAYOTU, Panos, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2019). The Potentials and Difficulties of Transnational Populism: The Case of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). Political Studies, 68(1), 146-166.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2019). Critiquing hegemony and fostering alternative ways of thinking homelessness: The articulation of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia. Communications. Media. Design., 4(1), 5-31.
- MURRU, Maria, COLOMBO, Fausto, PEJA, Laura, TOSONI, Simone, KILBORN, Richard, KUNELIUS, Risto, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, Pille, KRAMP, Leif, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2019). Communication as the intersection of the old and the new: The intellectual work of the 2018 European media and communication doctoral summer school. edition lumière Bremen.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, & GALANOPOULOS, Antonis (2019). Discursive Uses of 'Abnormality' in the Greek Crisis. In: K. Power, T. Ali, & T. E. Lebdušková, (Eds.). (2019). Discourse Analysis and Austerity. Routledge.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, & KATSAMBEKIS, Giorgos (2019). The populism/anti-populism frontier and its mediation in crisis-ridden Greece: from discursive divide to emerging cleavage?. European Political Science, 18(1), 37-52.
- VAN BRUSSEL, Leen, DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & CARPENTIER, Nico. (2019). Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected Works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Intellect Ltd.
- BERGER, Mathieu, & DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2018). Interpellated citizens. Signalled subject positions in a citizen deliberation process on health care reimbursement. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1), 91-103.
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2018) Deconstructing Nationalist Assemblages: A Visual Essay on the Greek Cypriot Memorials Related to Two Violent Conflicts in 20th Century Cyprus. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, DOUDAKI, Vaia, CHRISTIDIS, Yiannis, & KOKSAL, Fatma Nazil (2018) De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism through an Academic Intervention. The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2018). Populismo y nacionalismo: representando al pueblo como “los de abajo” y como nación. Anales De La CáTedra Francisco SuáRez, 53, 97-130.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, GLYNOS, Jason, & MONDON, Aurelien (2018). Critical Research on Populism: Nine Rules of Engagement. Organization, 25(5), 1-13.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.) (2018). Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency [Special issue]. Communicazione Sociali - Social Communication, 52(1).
- EDENIUS, Mats, & THORÉN, Claes (2018). Digital Disconnect and Assemblages of Power: Exploring Technology Non-use in the Age of the Post-digital. Comunicazione Sociale – Social Communication, 52(1).
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
Based on a paper presented at the Communication and Material and Discursive Power Dynamics Colloquium, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- (Special issue on 'Power, contingency and socio-political struggle' edited by Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier.
- STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis, & GALANOPOULUS, Antonis (2018, June 25). Ernesto Laclau and Communication Studies. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
- VONIATI, Chris, DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2018). Mapping community media organisations in Cyprus: A methodological reflection. Journal of Alternative and Community Media 3(1), 17-32.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2017). Critical-cultural theory, media power and a multi-effect reality. In P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. Van Zoonen (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, Volume II (pp. 276-295). Wiley Blackwell.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2017) The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. Peter Lang.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2017). Populism and Nationalism. In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), Handbook of Populism (pp. 342-362). Oxford University Press.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2017). Populism, Exclusion, Post-truth. Some Conceptual Caveats. Comment on “The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy”. International Journal of Health Policy Management, 7(3), 268-271.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (2017). Distinctions and Articulations. A Discourse-Theoretical Framework for the Study of Populism and Nationalism. Javnost – The Public, 24(7), 1-19.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis (Eds.). (2017). Populism, Nationalism and the Media: Constructing and Representing ‘The People’ as Underdog and as Nation [Special issue]. Javnost – The Public, 24(4).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, ZIENKOWSKI, Jan, SMETS, Kevin, DEKIE, Afra, & VANDEVOORDT, Robin (2017). Constructing the ‘refugee crisis’ in Flanders. Continuities and adaptations of discourses on asylum and migration. In M. Barlai, B. Fähnrich; C. Griessler, & M. Rhomberg (Eds.),The migration crisis: European perspectives and national discourses (pp. 59-78). LIT-Verlag.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia (2017). Foreign correspondents in Cyprus: Universal roles and contextualised practices. Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 3(1), 73-94.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.). (2017). Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. Berghahn.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, NIEMINEN, Hannu, CARPENTIER, Nico, & TRAPPEL, Josef (Eds.). (2017) Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change. Routledge.
- (Chapters originally published as two issues of Javnost - The Public, partly based on the EURICOM colloquium 2014, co-organised by DESIRE.)
- VAN BRUSSEL, Leen (2017). The right to die: a Belgian case study combining reception studies and discourse theory. Media, Culture and Society, 40(3), 1-16.
- VAN BRUSSEL, Leen, & CARPENTIER, Nico (2017) “Closing the book of life”, The hospice discourse and the construction of the dying role: a discourse-theoretical analysis. In V. Parvaresh, & A. Capone (Eds.), The Pragmeme of accommodation in connection with interaction around the event of death (pp. 375-401). Springer Publishing Company.
- VAN BRUSSEL, Leen, DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & BERGER, Mathieu (2017). Een discursieve blik op burgerdeliberatie: Het hoe en waarom van discoursanalyse bij deliberatieve processsen / Un regard discursif sur la délibération citoyenne. Le comment et le pourquoi de l’analyse du discours dans des processus délibératifs. Koning Boudewijnstichting.
- AMON PRODNIK, Jernev (2016). 3C: Commodifying Communication in Capitalism. In C. Fuchs, & V. Mosco (Eds.), Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism (pp. 233-321). Brill Academic Publishers.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2016). Beyond the Ladder of Participation: An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes. Javnost - The Public, 23(1), 70-88.
- CARPENTIER, Nico (2016). Community Media as Rhizome – Expanding the Research Agenda. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1(1), 4-6.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2016). The Party of the People Versus the Cultural Elite: Populism and Nationalism in Flemish Radical Right Rhetoric about Artists. JOMEC - Journal of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, (9), 69-91.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, & UBERG NAERLAND, Torgeir (Eds.). (2016). Expressive culture and populist radical right parties in Europe [Special issue]. JOMEC - Journal of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, (9).
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin & VAN AELST, Peter (2016). Belgium: The Rise and Fall of Populism Research. In T. Aalberg, C. De Vreese, F. Esser, J. Strombäck & C. Reinemann (Eds.), Populist Political Communication in Europe (pp. 99-110). Routledge.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, BOUBOUKA, Anegeliki, TZALAVRAS, Christos (2016). Framing the Cypriot financial crisis: In the service of the neoliberal vision. Journalism, 20(2), 1-20.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia, BOUBOUKA, Anegeliki, SPYRIDOU, Lia-Paschalia, & TZALAVRAS, Christos (2016). Dependency, (non)liability and austerity news frames of bailout Greece. European Journal of Communication, 31(4), 426-445.
- RUSSMANN, Uta, & SVENSSON, Jakob (2016). Studying Organizations on Instagram. Information 7(4).
- SLACEK Brlek, ZAJC, Jozica, & MANCE, Boris (2016). Connections between trust in journalism and patterns of media use. Medijska istrazvanja, 22(1), 41-63.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.). (2016). Anchoring the Critical in Media Research [Special issue]. Javnost - The Public 23(1).
- VOBIC, Igor, MAKSUTI, Alem, & DEZELAN, Tomaz (2016). Who leads the Twitter tango? Studying the journalist-politician relationship in Slovenia through Twitter conversations. Digital Journalism, 5(9), 1-21.
- CARPENTIER, Nico, DOUDAKI, Vaia, & CHRISTIDIS, Yiannis (2015). Technological Struggles in Community Media. In C. Atton (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. (pp. 483-493). Routledge.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin (2015). "Flemish Friends, Let us Separate!": The Discursive Struggle for Flemish Nationalist Civil Society in the Media. Javnost - The Public 22(2), 37-54.
- DOUDAKI, Vaia (2015). Legitimation Mechanisms in the Bailout Discourse. Javnost - The Public 22(2), 1-17.
- DE CLEEN, Benjamin, BERGER, Mathieu, CALABRESE, Laura, DEVISCH, Ignaas, ROMIJN, Francois, & VAN BRUSSEL, Leen (2015). Solidarity and the right to health care. A discourse analysis of the Citizen Lab on the reimbursement of health care treatments. Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation (in French and in Dutch).
- GEERTS, Ronald (2015). Lire et écrire un scénario. Le scénario de film comme texte. Journal of Screenwriting 6, 23-125.
- KRAMP, Leif, CARPENTIER, Nico, HEPP, Andreas, TOMANIC-TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija, NIEMINEN, Hannu, KUNELIUS, Risto, OLSSON, Tobias, SUNDIN, Ebba, & KILBORN, Richard (Eds.). (2015). Journalism, Representation and the Public Sphere. edition lumière.
- SERMIJN, Jasmina & LOOTS, Gerrit (2015). Co-creating crazy patchworks: Becoming rhizomatic in systemic therapy. Family Process 54(3), 533-544.
- SHEDAHEH, Amer, LOOTS, Gerrit, VANDERFAEILLIE, JOHAN & DERLUYN, ILSE (2015). The association between parental imprisonment and the mental health of Palestinian adolescents. In: Child and adolescent mental health.
- PAVLÍČKOVÁ, Tereza (2015) Audiences Perceptions of Author: Is the Author Reborn or Did She Ever Die? In: Koldobika Meso, Irati Agirreazkuenaga, Ainara Larrondo (eds.) Active Audiences and Journalism. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco, 47-63.
- SPLICHAL, SLAVKO (2015) Legacy of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann: The spiral of silence and other controversies. In: European Journal of Communication 30(3): 353-363. DOI:10.1177/0267323115589265
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija (2015). Are a Thousand Pictures Worth a Single Word? The Struggle between Condemnatory and Affirmative Discourses on Photographic Change in Slovene and UK Mainstream Media News Reports on Selfies. Javnost - The Public 22(2), 93-109.
- ULDAM, Julia, & CARPENTIER, Nico (Eds.). (2015). Publics, Discursive Struggles and Political Agency [Special issue]. Javnost – The Public, 22(1).
- VOBIČ, IGOR, TOMANIĆ TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA (2015) The tyranny of the empty frame : reluctance to use citizen-produced photographs in online journalism. Journalism practice 9(4) 502-519, doi: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1030137.
- VODOVNIK, ŽIGA & GRUBACIC, ANDREJ (2015) "Yes, we camp!": democracy in the age of Occupy. Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self Government 13(3): 537-557.
- YUKSEK, DERYA (2015). Alternatif Medya ve Direniş Kültürü: Sosyal Hareketlerde Birleştirici Güç Olarak Alternatif Medya [Alternative Media and Culture of Resistance: Alternative Media as a Cohesive Force in Social Movements]. In B. Coban & B. Ataman (Eds.), Direniş Çağında Türkiye’de Alternatif Medya [Alternative Media in Turkey in the Age of Resistance]. Istanbul: Kafka.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Participation as a Fantasy: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Power-Sharing Fantasies. In: Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn, (eds.) Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. Bremen: Edition Lumière.
- KAUN, ANNE, DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, SCHWARZENEGGER, CHRISTIAN (2014) Navigating “Academia Incognita”: The European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School and ECREA’s Young Scholars Network. In: Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn, (eds.) Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. Bremen: Edition Lumière.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS (2014) Introduction: Investigating the Everyday Presence of Media. In: Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn, (eds.) Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. Bremen: Edition Lumière.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA (2014) Records of Facts or Records of Mystification? Brief Notes on the “Surplus Value” of the Photographic Image. In: Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn (eds.). Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. Bremen: Edition Lumière.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) A call to arms. An essay on the role of the intellectual and the need for producing new imaginaries. In: Javnost – The Public 21(3): 77-92.
- CARPENTIER, NICO & DOUDAKI, VAIA (2014) Community Media for Reconciliation: A Cypriot Case Study. In: Communication, Culture and Critique 7(4): 415-434.
- CARPENTIER, NICO with the collaboration of Tereza Pavlickova, Giulia Airaghi, Silvia Bertolotti, Liesebeth Merckx and Itir Akdogan (2014) Engagement social, société civile et médias en ligne. Comment les organisations de la société civile peuvent-elles utiliser les médias en ligne pour renforcer l’engagement social des citoyens? Bruxelles: Fondation Roi Badouin (in French and in Dutch).
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN & CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2014) The Social Construction of Death. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN & CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Introduction. In: Leen Van Brussel & Nico Carpentier (eds.) The social construction of death: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-10.
- VOBIČ, IGOR, SLAČEK BRLEK, ALEKSANDER SAŠO, MANCE, BORIS & AMON PRODNIK, JERNEJ (2014) Changing faces of Slovenia : political, socio-economic and news media aspects of the crisis. In: Javnost - The Public 21 (4): 77-97.
- MANCE, BORIS (2014) Od profesionalizma do "odmevne komore" : odnosi med novinarji in politiki na Twitterju. In: Javnost - The Public 21 (supl.): 23-40.
- SPLICHAL, SLAVKO, DAHLGREN, PETER (2014) Media research paradigms : Conceptual distinctions, continuing divisions. In: Fabienne Darling-Wolf (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies Vol 7 : Research Methods in Media Studies. Wiley-Blackwell, p.39-64
- TOMANIĆ TRIVUNDŽA, Ilija (2014) Mesec čivkov in mežikov: raba fotografije na družbenem omrežju Twitter v času predvolilne kampanje za volitve v Evropski parlament 2014. In: Javnost - The public 21 (supl): 41-58.
- VOBIČ, IGOR, SLAČEK BRLEK, ALEKSANDER SAŠO (2014) Manufacturing consent among newsworkers at Slovenian public radio. In: Javnost - The Public 21(1): 19-36.
- VOBIČ, IGOR (2014) Paradoks odbiranja tvitov na javni radioteleviziji: organizacijski, rutinski in osebni vidiki. In: Javnost - The Public 21 (supl): 59-76.
- AMON PRODNIK, JERNEJ (2014) Sürüp giden metalaştirma süreçleri üzerine bir not: izleyici metasindan toplumsal fabrikaya [ENG: A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory]. In: Vincent Mosco, Christian Fuchs, Funda Başaran (eds.), Marx geri döndü: medya, meta ve sermaye birikimi, pp.: 301-366. Ankara: Notabene.
- AMON PRODNIK, JERNEJ (2014) A Seeping Commodification: The Long Revolution in the Proliferation of Communication Commodities. TripleC – Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (1): 142-168. Text available via: http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/article/view/485.
- AMON PRODNIK, JERNEJ (2014) The brave new social media : contradictory information and communication technologies and the state-capitalist surveillance complex. Teorija in praksa 51 (6): 1222-1241.
- MARIËN, ILSE, JERNEJ AMON PRODNIK (2014) Digital inclusion and user (dis)empowerment: A critical perspective. Info 16 (6): 35-47. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/info-07-2014-0030
- SANDOVAL, MARISOL, CHRISTIAN FUCHS, JERNEJ AMON PRODNIK, SEBASTIAN SEVIGNANI and THOMAS ALLMER (2014) Introduction: philosophers of the world unite! Theorising digital labour and virtual work - definitions, dimensions, and forms. TripleC - Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (2): 464-467.
- CHEN, YIMING (2014) Public Opinion: Global Research of Chinese Image, London Volume,’ Jinan University Press (In Chinese).
- CHEN, YIMING (2014) The Research of Presenting and Anchoring Communication Studies in China. Jinan University Press (In Chinese).
- GEERTS, RONALD (2014) Naturalism and Reality in 'Treme'. In: Excavatio XXIV: 1-9.
- DAS, RANJANA & PAVLÍČKOVÁ, TEREZA. (2014) Is there an author behind this text? A literary aesthetic driven approach to interactive media. In: New Media & Society 16(3): 381-397. DOI: 10.1177/1461444813481296
- YUKSEK, DERYA (2014). Medialogue: Media as a Forum for Dialogue in Conflicts & Peacebuilding. Saarland: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- VOBIČ, IGOR (2014) Practice of hypertext : insights from the online departments of two Slovenian newspapers. Journalism practice 8(4): 357-372.
- VOBIČ, IGOR & MILOJEVIĆ, ANA (2014) What we do is not actually journalism : role negotiations in online departments of two newspapers in Slovenia and Serbia. Journalism 15(8): 1023-1040.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO, NIEMINEN, HANNU, PRUULMANN-VENERFELDT, PILLE, KILBORN, RICHARD, SUNDIN, EBBA and OLSSON, TOBIAS (eds) (2013) Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving mediascapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Press.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Introduction. In: Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds) Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Press, pp. 13-22.
Power, Multidirectionality and contingencyPolitical struggles over representation, Decision-making and technologySpecial issue edited by DESIRE-members Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier
Based on the Uppsala Colloquium |
Communication and discourse theory
Edited by DESIRE-members Leen Van Brussel, Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen.
You can find more information here. |
Discourse Theory:
Research handbook